Klinik Pakar Wanita Elizabeth

Located at Taman Sutera Utama, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/2

Pleasant environment and services

Easy registration process and approachable staff

Using professional and latest scanning machine

where you can view and discuss your baby’s progress and development.

Spacious and comfortable waiting area

Enjoy the magazines, TV programs and music while waiting for your turn...

Friday 30 November 2012

Post Natal Care Health Talk @ Sutera Mall 2/12/2012

Doctor will be giving a in Sutera Mall, titled Post Natal Care Health Talk this coming Sunday 2/12/2012 130pm - 2.15pm at 2nd floor Expo Stage.

Monday 12 November 2012

Antenatal Talk at Regency Specialist Hospital, 9th Dec

Antenatal Talk at Regency Specialist Hospital, Seri Alam, on 9th Dec 2012. Clinic to be open at 1130am.

Friday 2 November 2012

Free Bone Scan / 免费骨骼扫描

Free bone scan for postmenopausal or above 55 years old women. Please call the clinic to register.
为正在更年期或55岁以上妇女而设的免费骨骼扫描. 请至电诊所查问.

Tuesday 25 September 2012


特价促销 - 售完为止

 Implanon - for 3 Years
A single-rod long acting reversible hormonal contraceptive subdermal implant.
Prevents pregnancy 99%
Merancang keluarga dengan rod bawah kulit selama 3 tahun. Berkesanan 99%
皮下植入棒式避孕药 其植入后可维持三年的避孕作用。Implanon是用一种柔软的医用聚合材料制成的,植入上臂内侧,其可持续低量稳定的释放依托孕烯(etonogestrel)达到避孕作用。于月经周期的前5天皮下埋植。Implanon植入后几乎是不可见的,根据使用者的要求可随时取出,取出后使用者可恢复正常受孕。

Vaccine used in the prevention of HPV types 6,11,16 and 18. Gardasil prevents 70% of cervical cancers and 90% genital warts.
Vaksin mencegah 70% kancer cervix and 90% ketuat kelamin

預防子官頸癌疫, GARDASIL® 是一个基因注射疫苗,可防止人类乳突病毒(Human Papillomavirus; HPV)的感染

Friday 31 August 2012

First Trimester Combined Screening (OSCAR) For Chromosomal Anormalies 怀孕前期(唐氏儿综合症染色体异常) 筛查

Nasal Bone 鼻骨
The Nuchal Translucency Scan 胎儿颈项透明扫描

Please visit Klinik Pakar Wanita Elizabeth or call to enquire more information.

Wednesday 8 August 2012